Next Day Dumpsters

The Goal

The team at Next Day Dumpsters came to use because they wanted to improve the conversion rate from their Google ads to actual dumpster rentals. Our stakeholders needed a landing page that would provide as much information as a person would need in order to rent a dumpster.


The page needed to be broad enough to work dynamically (depending on their ad targeting) while still maintaining the Next Day Dumpsters feel/brand. We needed to balance giving users enough valuable information and still drawing them to contact Next Day Dumpsters by phone (a business requirement).

What’s a cubic yard?

Next Day Dumpsters carries four different sized dumpsters (10, 15, 20, and 30 yards). We received feedback that customers have a difficult time conceptualizing cubic yards. We designed an interactive picker that would allow the consumer to pick based on standard US sizing. We also included a section that shows how many pickup trucks would fit in the dumpster they chose.


It’s a slider, it’s a picker, it’s… too much.

In our initial wireframes, we tested out different location selectors, a slider that would help determine the best size dumpster for a customer’s needs, and other interactive elements. These proved to be too complex for a dynamic landing page. Consumers wanted to see information about dumpsters clearly and without obstacle.


The Solution

After a few different iterations, we landed on a single call to action for every customer: call Next Day Dumpsters. The company makes most of their revenue through phone calls initiating service. From there, each section of the landing page is populated with relevant information to the user’s location.


What I Did

  • Research

  • UX Design

  • UI Design
